Financial Number:
Project Length: 0.25 miles
Project Limits:Broward Boulevard Park and Ride Lot including SW 1st Street, NW 22nd Avenue, SW 22nd Avenue, and the access road from northbound I-95 in Fort Lauderdale.
Start Date: March 30, 2015
Completed Date: April 15, 2016
Contractor: ENCO, LLC
Estimated Construction Cost: $903,627.46
Scope of Work
Project improvements include adding a second right turn lane from NW 22nd Avenue to westbound Broward Boulevard, adding a second right turn lane from SW 22nd Avenue to eastbound Broward Boulevard, widening SW 1st Street between SW 22nd Avenue and the access road from northbound I-95 to add a second westbound lane on SW 1st Street, adding a second left turn lane from the access road from northbound I-95 to SW 1st Street, adding a bus bay on the access road from northbound I-95 north of SW 1st Street, removing old asphalt and resurfacing the roadway within the project limits, relocating drainage structures and lighting on SW 1st Street and the access road from northbound I-95, and upgrading existing signs and installing new signs within the project limits.
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