Financial Number: 443590-1-52-01
Project Length: 0.7 miles
Project Limits: From Burns Road to PGA Boulevard
Virtual Public Workshop: No workshop is proposed for this project
Projected Letting: May 2022
Start Date: Summer 2022
Completion Date: Summer 2024
Estimated Construction Cost: $10.4 million
Scope of Work:
- The project involves converting the westbound to southbound entrance ramp from a “lane merge” to a “lane add” condition and converting the eastbound to southbound entrance ramp from a “lane add” to a “lane merge” condition where the ramps connect to southbound I-95.
- The project includes widening, pavement resurfacing, drainage, retaining walls, signing, pavement markings, and lighting.
Construction Impacts:
- Work will take place during the day and the night and will be sequenced to reduce the effects of construction on the motoring public and the nearby community.
- Temporary lane closures during off-peak hours will be required.
Contact Information:
Fact Sheet