Project Limits: SR 5/US 1 at Northlake Boulevard to just north of SR 5/US 1 at Anchorage Drive
Start Date: February 2025
Completion Date: Summer 2027
Contractor: Ferreira Construction Co., Inc.
Estimated Construction Cost: $13.7 million
Scope of Work:
The project improvements include replacing the SR 5/US 1 bridge over the Earman River to enhance structural safety, traffic flow, and long-term resiliency. The roadway will be widened to add a second right-turn lane from southbound SR 5/US 1 onto westbound Northlake Boulevard, improving infrastructure resilience, traffic flow, and safety. Milling and resurfacing of the roadway along SR 5/US 1 within the project limits will enhance safety, ride quality, and infrastructure longevity. Additionally, 4-foot and 5-foot bicycle lanes will be added along SR 5/US 1 within the project limits to improve safety for all roadway users.
Upgrades to drainage, signage, lighting, signalization, pedestrian curb ramps, pavement markings, and the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) will further enhance infrastructure resilience, traffic flow, transportation efficiency, and safety. Finally, benches and planters will be installed throughout the project limits in the Village of North Palm Beach to improve public spaces.