Financial Number: 432949‐1‐52‐01, 432949‐1‐52‐02, 432949‐1‐52‐03
Project Limits: Old Dixie Highway Improvements from NE 13th Street to the bridge over the Middle River in Fort Lauderdale
Start Date: February 27, 2017
Completion Date: April 20, 2018
Contractor: Ferreira Construction Southern Division Co., Inc.
Estimated Construction Cost: $2.6 million
Scope of Work
The improvements under this contract include reducing the width of the travel lanes and modifying shoulders to add 4-foot bike lanes in both directions, constructing sidewalk, drainage improvements, adding roundabout at NE 16th Court, permanently reducing speed limit to 25 MPH, installation of pedestrian lighting, adding landscaping and swales to improve drainage, removing old asphalt and resurfacing the roadway, constructing 8 raised intersections and 6 raised pedestrian crosswalks and adding new signing and pavement markings.
Old Dixie highway roundabout construction October November 2017
Project Flyer - Old Dixie Hwy Improvements
Project Flyer - Old Dixie Hwy Improvements