Financial Numbers: 429576-8-52-01/02/03
Project Length: SW 72nd Avenue: 0.50 miles; SW 25th Street: 0.52 miles; SW 33rd Street: 0.26 miles
Virtual Public Meeting: Thursday, September 19, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please use the following link to register: . You may also call +1 (562) 247-8321, access code: 283-331-773.
In-Person Construction Open House: Thursday, September 19, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Miramar Multi-Service Complex located at 6700 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, FL 33023.
Project Limits: SW 72nd Avenue from SR 824/Pembroke Road to SW 9th Street; SW 25th Street from SW 64th Avenue to SR 7/US 441; and SW 33rd Street from SW 62nd Avenue to SR 7/US 441.
Start Date: October 2024
Completion Date: Summer 2025
Contractor: Leon America Construction
Estimated Construction Cost: $2,216,644
Scope of Work:
- Project improvements along SW 72nd Avenue consist of milling and resurfacing the existing roadway within the project limits to ensure long-term resilience; minor roadway widening throughout project limits to accommodate 5-foot bike lanes; removing foliage as necessary to construct a continuous concrete sidewalk throughout the corridor to enhance safety and connectivity for pedestrians; and upgrading curb ramps, pavement markings, and signage to improve visibility and accessibility.
- Project improvements along SW 25th Street consist of removing foliage as necessary to construct a continuous concrete sidewalk throughout the corridor to enhance safety and connectivity for pedestrians; upgrading curb ramps, pavement markings, and signage to improve visibility and accessibility; and constructing a new bus shelter at SR 7/US 441 and SW 25th Street.
- Project improvements along SW 33rd Street consist of removing foliage as necessary to construct a continuous concrete sidewalk throughout the corridor to enhance safety and connectivity for pedestrians; and upgrading curb ramps, pavement markings, and signage to improve visibility and accessibility.
Documents: 429576-8_US 441 (Group 8)_Project Flyer.pdf
Point of Contact:
Para información y preguntas en Español, por favor llame al (954) 777-4302.