Financial Number:430192-1-52-01 & 430192-1-56-01
Project Length: 0.284 miles
Project Limits: Ravenswood Road from SW 45th Street to SW 42nd Street
Start Date: November 30, 2015
Completion Date: March 2, 2018
Contractor: Morrison-Cobalt JV
Estimated Construction Cost: $4,789,933.18
Scope of Work
The improvements under this project consist of replacing the existing bridge over the Dania Cut-Off Canal, including replacement of the existing fender system. The work will consist of existing bridge demolition and new bridge construction. Additional improvements include the reconstruction of Ravenswood Road, installation of new roadway drainage, canal dredging and armoring, and placement of new signing and pavement markings.
Click here for upcoming lane closures
Project Flyer - Ravenswood Road Canal Impacts November 2017
Project Flyer - Ravenswood Road Canal Impacts_October 2016
Project Flayer Ravenswood Bridge Dania Cut Off Canal Impacts