County Road (CR) 712/Midway Road Widening Project from west of Jenkins Road to Selvitz Road
Financial Number: 231440‐5‐52‐01
Project Length: 0.785 miles
Project Limits: CR 712/Midway Road from west of Jenkins Road to Selvitz Road
Virtual Public Meeting:
Construction Start Date: April 1, 2024
Completion Date: Fall 2026
Contractor: Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc.
Estimated Construction Cost: $23.5 million
Scope of Work:
The project improvements include widening CR 712/Midway Road from a two-lane undivided
roadway to a four-lane divided roadway. The eastbound and westbound lanes of CR
712/Midway Road will be separated by a raised landscaped median. Additional improvements
include constructing left turn lanes in the median to allow access to adjacent side streets,
properties and businesses, constructing 7-foot buffered bicycle lanes on both sides of CR
712/Midway Road, constructing 6-foot sidewalk along the north side of CR 712/Midway Road,
constructing a 12-foot bicycle/pedestrian path along the south side of the project, installing
landscaping along the south side of the project, and upgrading drainage, signage and
pavement markings.
Point of Contact:
"Para información y preguntas en Español, por favor llame al (954) 777-4302."