Financial Number: 447650-1-52-01
Project Length: 2.372 Miles
Project Limits: State Road (SR) A1A/NE Ocean Boulevard from NE Shore Village Terrace to south of SR-732/Jensen Beach Causeway Boulevard
Purpose of the Project: Repave the roadway to extend the service life, improve rideability, safety improvements along the corridor, and address stormwater ponding with drainage improvements.
A Public Meeting Was Held:Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. and was offered in-person and virtually simultaneously.
The public meeting took place at the Martin County – Commission Chambers (First Floor) located at 2401 SE Monterey Road, Stuart, FL 34996.
The virtual public meeting took place via GoToWebinar.
The public meeting consisted of a formal presentation followed by an open discussion. Staff was available to answer questions and provide assistance. Comments and questions were answered in the order received. Questions not answered during the event, received a response in writing following the meeting.
Public Meeting #1: A public meeting was held, Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. and was offered virtually and in-person. To view a recording of the first public meeting click here:
Public Meeting #2: A public meeting was held, Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. and was offered virtually and in-person. To view a recording of the first public meeting click here:
Start Date: Fall 2025
Completion Date: Winter 2026
Estimated Construction Cost: $4.7 million
Scope of Work:
Repave and restripe the existing roadway within the project limits
Provide traffic calming measures including:
Rumble strips on the approaches of the existing roundabout
Speed feedback signs
Lighting improvements between Hutchinson Shores Resort and existing roundabout and at pedestrian midblock crossings
Upgrade/retrofit lighting at the existing roundabout
Replace and upgrade existing pedestrian curb ramps to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards
Minor shoulder widening will be completed to increase the paved width to 5-feet at select locations
Upgrade signing and pavement markings
Construction Impacts:
Work will be done in phases to reduce construction impacts to the public
Access to adjacent properties will be maintained throughout construction
Number of existing lanes will be maintained except during permitted lane closures