Financial Number: 430601-1-52-01
Project Length: 4.003 miles
Project Limits: East of the Mercedes River Bridge to Sunrise Boulevard and Sunrise Boulevard from A1A to the Intracoastal Waterway bridge, in Fort Lauderdale
Start Date: April 18, 2016
Completion Date: June 2, 2017
Contractor: Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc.
Estimated Construction Cost: $4.4 million
Scope of Work
The improvements under this project consist of removing old asphalt and resurfacing the roadway within the project limits, upgrading sidewalks and ramps to meet ADA requirements, upgrading all existing pedestrian signals to countdown timers, upgrading signs and pavement markings throughout the project limits, widening Sunrise Boulevard to accommodate four-foot wide bike lanes in each direction, modifying pavement striping and markings to provide shared use or dedicated bike lanes on A1A, and adding in-roadway lighting at several crosswalks.
A1A Improvements Project from east of the Mercedes River
Project Board – A1A from Mercedes River to Sunrise Blvd