Project Limits: University Drive from SR-834/Sample Road to north of Westview Drive
Completion Date: Early 2025
Contractor: Strongcore Group, LLC
Estimated Construction Cost: $13,650,945
Scope of Work: The project improvements consist of widening the roadway to accommodate one additional travel lane and bicycle lane, relocating the existing 6-foot sidewalk from NW 40th Street to SR 869/Sawgrass Expressway, relocating impacted drainage structures and regrading swales to ensure proper drainage flow, upgrading traffic and pedestrian signals at NW 40th Street and Westview Drive, installation of 77 light poles along the project corridor, milling and resurfacing within the project limits, and upgrading curb ramps, signing, and pavement markings.
Point of Contact:
"Para información y preguntas en Español, por favor llame al (954) 777-4302."
Christian Gonzalez, Community Outreach Specialist,