Financial Number: 441954-1-12-01
Project Length and Limits: The study includes the eight north/south arterials that cross I-595 and SR 84; one mile to the north and one mile to the south of I-595. The study area is in central Broward County, Florida along the I-595 and SR 84 corridor, between SW 136th Avenue and SR 7/US-441. The primary study area and study roadways include:
SW 136th Avenue from north of NW 8th Street to north of SW 14th Street
Flamingo Road/SR 823 from south of NW 8th Street to south of SW 15th Place
Hiatus Road from north of Broward Boulevard to south of SW 16th Street / S Harmony Lake Circle
Nob Hill Road from Broward Boulevard to SW 22nd Court
Pine Island Road from SW 3rd Street to south of Nova Drive
University Drive/SR 817 from Federated Road to SW 30th Street
Davie Road from I-595/SR 84 to Broward College entrance / SW 35th Street
SR 7/US-441 from SW 16th Street to Powell’s Road
SR 84 eastbound and westbound from I-75 to I-95
Start Date: October 2019
Completion Date: April 2022
Scope of Work:
The purpose of this initiative is to identify and define transportation problems, develop effective solutions to fulfill the goal of providing better connectivity for all modes, and to provide congestion relief for travel along the north-south study roadways and their access points with I-595 and SR 84. All types of improvement strategies are being considered including land use and policy strategies; geometric modifications to roadways; pedestrian, bicycle, greenway, and transit infrastructure improvements; and, technology and traffic signal improvements.
Contact Information:
Existing Data Technical Memorandum #1
Existing Conditions Analysis Technical Memorandum #2
No Build 2045 Traffic Analysis Technical Memorandum #3
Mitigation Analysis Methodology Technical Memorandum #4
Mitigation Analysis Methodology Technical Memorandum #4 Appendices
Midtown Bridge Traffic Data and Traffic Projections Technical Memorandum
Wikimap Survey Technical Memorandum
Deficiency Mitigation Measures Technical Report #1
Deficiency Mitigation Measures Technical Report #1 Appendices
Local Planning Actions Technical Report #2
Master Improvement List Technical Report #3