Project Limits: Bayview Drive from SR 838/Sunrise Boulevard to SR 870/Commercial Boulevard
Start Date: April 27, 2022
Completion Date: Fall 2023
Contractor: Roadway Construction, LLC.
Estimated Construction Cost: $2,543,608
Scope of Work: Project improvements include: providing continuous sidewalks on both sides of the road; adding bicycle lanes from NE 26 Street to NE 25 Place; installing mid-block crossings south of NE 19 Street and NE 45 Street; installing four mid-block crossings with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) between NE 11 Street and NE 27 Street; raising the intersections at NE 14 Street, NE 18 Street, NE 27 Street, and NE 40 Street; constructing roundabouts at NE 37 Drive and NE 47 Street; widening the roadway from NE 23 Street to east of NE 24 Court; and reducing the pedestrian crossing distance at NE 13 Court