Financial Number: 437702-1-52-01
Project Length: 0.394-miles
Project Limits: State Road 7/US 441 from NW 36th Street to NW 41st Street
Start Date: January 6, 2020
Completion Date: Sept. 11 2020
Contractor: AUM Construction, Inc.
Estimated Construction Cost: $511,111
Scope of Work: Work consists of constructing a signalized mid-block pedestrian crossing. The mid-block crossing will serve as a connector to the Middle River Trail on the west and east side of SR 7/US 441 between NW 36th Street and NW 41st Street. Improvements will also include eighteen new 15-foot decorative pedestrian light poles primarily on the east side of the roadway to increase visibility between NW 36th Street and NW 41st Street along SR 7/US 441.
SR 7/US 441 Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Project