Financial Number: 437708-1-52-01, 02
Project Length: Approximately 1.5 miles
Project Limits: SR 838/Sunrise Boulevard from NW 15th Avenue to North Flagler Drive
Start Date: January 24, 2020
Completion Date: Summer 2020
Contractor: Arc Electric, Inc.
Estimated Construction Cost: $602,297
Scope of Work: Work consists of constructing a signalized mid-block pedestrian crossing between NW 4th Avenue and NW 5th Avenue to encourage pedestrians to cross safely. Improvements will also include eight new light poles and upgrades to nineteen existing light poles at the intersections of NW 15th Avenue, NW 9th Avenue/Powerline Road, NW 7th Avenue/Avenue of the Arts, NE 5th Terrace and North Flagler Drive to increase visibility between NW 15th Avenue and North Flagler Drive along SR 838/Sunrise Boulevard.
SR 838 / Sunrise Boulevard Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Project