Financial Number: 441755-1-52-01
Project Length: 6.02 Miles
Project Limits: State Road (SR) 5/US-1 from Broward/Palm Beach County Line to SR 794/Yamato Road and SR 794/Yamato Road from I-95 to SR 5/US 1
Virtual Public Meeting: N/A
Start Date: Spring 2023
Completion Date: Summer 2024
Estimated Construction Cost: $2.9M
Scope of Work:
- Using technology, such as vehicle detection and communication devices, to actively manage traffic and increase transportation system efficiency
- Fiber optic cable (approximately 5.9 miles)
- Bluetooth devices at intersection locations
- Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) cameras
- Traffic Signal System detection upgrades at existing signalized intersections to include pedestrian/bicycle detection
Construction Impacts:
- Work will be completed in phases to minimize construction impacts
- Single lane closures will be required during construction along SR 5/US 1, SR 794/Yamato Road and some of the side streets
- No full roadway closures will be required
- Access to properties adjacent to the corridor will be maintained throughout construction
Project Flyer