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Andrews Avenue Reconstruction & Realignment Project in Pompano Beach

Financial Number: 230724-1-52-01

Project Length: 0.36 miles

Project Limits:Andrews Avenue from Atlantic Boulevard to SW 3rd Street

Start Date: February 2, 2015

Completed: August 18, 2016

Contractor: Weekly Asphalt Paving Inc.

Estimated Construction Cost: $3.4 million

Scope of Work:
Project improvements include widening Andrews Avenue from SW 3rd Street to Atlantic Boulevard from a two-lane undivided roadway to a four-lane roadway with raised medians, installing bike lanes and sidewalks within the project limits, upgrading drainage system with curb inlets and pipes that will carry water to ponds where it will be treated before being discharged to the Old Pompano Canal, installing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) components including traffic monitoring cameras that use video detection, installing pedestrian countdown timers and internally illuminated  directional signs at the Atlantic Boulevard and SW 3rd Street intersections, installing new mast arms and traffic signals at the Atlantic Boulevard and SW 3rd Street intersections, and installing new pavement markings, signing, lighting, and landscaping.

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Project Photos


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During Construction

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