Financial Number: 446169-1-52-01
Project Length: 1.915 Miles
Project Limits:
- SR 68/Orange Ave from N 32nd Street to West of SR 5/US 1
Virtual Public Meeting:
In-Person Public Meeting:
- Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.
- In-Person Location: River Walk Center, 600 North Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949. The latest social distancing guidelines will be followed.
Projected Letting: Fall 2023
Start Date: Spring 2024
Completion Date: Spring 2026
Estimated Construction Cost: $4.0 Million
Scope of Work:
- Repaving and restriping the existing roadway
- Installing bicycle shared-lane markings (sharrows) on travel lanes from E of 13th St to SR-5/US-1
- Reconstructing pedestrian sidewalk curb ramps
- Upgrading lighting at signalized intersections to improve pedestrian lighting at the crosswalks
- Upgrading pedestrian signalization at signalized intersections
- Installing traffic signal backplates for increased visibility of signal lights
- Upgrading vehicle detection at the signalized intersections of 5th and 7th Streets
- Replacing and upgrading of signage impacted by construction
Construction Impacts:
- Work will be done in phases to reduce the inconvenience to the community
- Lane closures between 32nd Street and 13th Street will occur during non-peak hours to minimize impacts on traffic
- Detours between 13th Street and US-1 will occur weekday nights (Sun-Thurs) to minimize impacts on traffic and expedite construction in this area
- Access to residents and businesses will be maintained at all times during construction
Contact Information:
SR 68/Orange Avenue from N 32nd Street to west of SR 5/US 1 Presentation (2023)
SR 68/Orange Avenue from N 32nd Street to west of SR 5/US 1 Presentation